
Saturday, 25 February 2012

Day 10 Morning

I have been in touch with the hospital early this morning. They say that Gracie has had a very quiet night and a restful sleep, so I am really hoping that when we get there some time today they will be saying that she will get to move to the high dependency ward. But I keep telling myself that I must be patient. After all, I don't want her to move out and then take backwards steps and have to go back to ICU. Slowly, slowly is the best.

But while I am here I wanted to share with you all a couple of photos. the first one I just can't find on my computer, so I will need the help of one of Gracie's siblings! This technology stuff is way above parents - hence the need for children!!

So we will look at this photo instead. This is a verse that has been very precious to me for some time now. In this psalm the psalmist encourages us 'to rejoice and be glad in THIS day that God has made.' I know how very easy it is to be in THIS day and yet to be either looking ahead, 'won't that be wonderful when that happens' or 'what if that horrible thing should come about?' or looking at the past, 'if only....'.   For the majority of my 51 years I have lived in either of the latter 2 places and not in the present day that the Lord has given me. Some time ago God graciously laid this verse on my heart and encouraged me to live this was. Taking just the present 24 hours and not looking forward in detail or back in detail. Of course we need to still make general plans, but not to day dream etc.  If we do look forward or back in too much detail we truly miss the blessings that God has graciously given us to fill each day. I have found this to be so useful in the current situation with Graice. I have found it very easy to be tempted to look at the 2 paths that have laid before us, but by God's grace I have forced myself to just look at TODAY and to find all the blessing that THIS DAY contains. And let me tell you, there have been many, many wonderful blessings that I would have missed otherwise. Things like the fact the ICU and all its wonderful staff exist. The many friends who have so faithfully prayed continually for Gracie and us as a family. There have been so many, many blessing. To those of you, Gracie's friends and loved ones let me encourage you to start TODAY and to practice this verse. It will not be easy. You will need God's grace to accomplish it, so if you do not know Gracie's precious Lord Jesus that is the thing that you need to sort out first. Then ask her wonderful God to please teach you to live THIS DAY to His glory and look for His blessings everywhere. Each day is full of them and then you don't have time to dwell on what was that you can't change or on the future that may never eventuate. Live this DAY and glorify God in it. Have a great day :) from Gracie's very blessed MUM

1 comment:

  1. That is so very true Gillian! I learnt long ago that I am a human "being" and not a human "doing". The "now" is all we have and by being grateful for everything we have in our life right now we create more and more of it for the days to come.
    We need to trust that God/life has very special plan for Gracie! I'm thinking of her almost every minute of the day and I pray for her recovery. I am also thinking of you and Greg and the kids and pray that you are given more and more strength to get through this. If you need ANYTHING don't be afraid to ask!!!! Love Jen xxxx
